

August Bank Holiday Weekender at Verdigris

It's a bank holiday weekend ahead, and although we know you don't need an excuse to get festive with us, we'll give you a few anyway! 🥂 • FRI 26 AUG • Jonomade Gin Taster 6pm - 8pm (all welcome!) Live Music by Joe Cox 8pm - 10pm • SAT 27 AUG • Live Music by Debbie Perolls 8pm - 10pm • SUN 28 AUG • Live Music by Peter Trott 4pm - 6pm Extended opening hours to 10.30pm • MON 29 AUG • Extended opening hours 8am - 7pm Join us for a long weekend of good food, drink, tunes and as always, great Verdigris vibes ✨ @de[...]


Some news, some just downright hearsay!

I am always working hard to bring you the breaking gastronomic news of Tonbridge and the local area.  And let's focus on the word news - I usually like to check my facts and tell you the definitive 'word on the street' about new places popping up but in this post, I have to admit that some of it is rumour.  Quite well-founded rumour but as yet I haven't been able to obtain the facts that I so need!  So here goes, in no particular order .....