Last week was a busy one for Eat Around Tonbridge and it only involved a little bit of eating! We had the Food and Dink Networking Club and a charity event with foodie connections - what will you host?
Last week was a busy one for Eat Around Tonbridge and it only involved a little bit of eating! We had the Food and Dink Networking Club and a charity event with foodie connections - what will you host?
124 High Street is a beautiful old building and since it has become our very own artisan bakery, it's been given a new lease of life. The owner, Clare, is capitalising on her skills and building by offering bread making lessons, and also, pizza nights. Quite appropriately, the Bakehouse looked rather different to its daytime appearance when I visited with a friend at the beginning of February for one of the pizza nights - all dimly lit & hushed. We climbed the well trodden old stairs to our table where there were quite a few tables of two[...]
Recently, I've been catching up with some of the owners and managers of our local Tonbridge eating places and wanted to share with you what I've learnt about our evolving & exciting eating scene...get your diaries out, there's lots going on! The Old Fire Station will continue to bring great chefs to Tonbridge and some are starting to come back to[...]
There's a lot happening this weekend in Tonbridge and it's all focussed on food and drink! How lip-smackingly lovely!There is the Tonbridge Food & Drink Festival on the Castle Lawn, which starts on Friday evening 6pm -9pm with music, street food & a bar. For the rest of the weekend, there's a wide array of stalls setting up shop to tempt our palates selling all sorts of gourmet goodies sourced locally, regionally, nationally and internationally - olives, cheese & fudge to name but a few. Tonbridge Music Station is providing many of the arti[...]
It’s Saturday morning of the bank holiday weekend, grab yourself a cuppa & have a quick read about the Old Fire Station: I interviewed Richard & Sam earlier in the month… “Let’s have some fun with it…” – that was the culmination of a conversation between two dads at the school gate, after one of them had just bought The Old Fire Station in Tonbridge & the other suggested hosting pop-up restaurants there. Richard Collins, who owns the building (& the insurance business it accommodates upstairs), didn’t know what pop-[...]