*** 12 Days of Feastmas *** Day 12 – TRIPLE WHAMMY!!!

It’s the last day of the competition *sob*.  But dry your tears, we’re going out with a bang!  Ignore what it says on the banner….we have not one,

not two,

but three prizes on offer today! 

The lovely Finch House has given us £30 vouchers; Dan at The Ivy House has donated £40 off a meal + a bottle of wine and David from 65mm coffee, Tonbridge Old Fire Station’s resident coffee shop, has offered a week’s worth of free coffee (7 coffees)! 

There will be three winners but just one question.  The first person chosen at random tomorrow will win the Finch House vouchers; the second, The Ivy House; and the third, 7 free coffees from 65mm Coffee.

The question:  in the popular Christmas song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, what did the true love send on the 12th day?

Please enter via my Facebook page, Twitter, @eat_tonbridge or in the comment box below.

Huge thanks to Daron, Dan and David for the prizes!  Good luck all!


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