Be Kind.

I was walking home from the train station on Wednesday, around midnight and was shocked to see the lights on in Sulston’s Kitchen.  Assuming I was going to surprise some burglars (although not sure why they’d put the lights on!), imagine my surprise when I see Ben and Kirsty Sulston still working!  

But why wouldn’t they?  They’re thriving, they’re busy, this is their livelihood and they, just like other business owners, want to deliver the best product & the best customer service that they can.

As Eat Around Tonbridge blogger, I chat to foodie business owners and, recently, I’ve been shocked to learn of some of the abuse that they suffer and I feel compelled to speak out. Sometimes the abuse is face to face and other times it’s behind the facade of social media; but regardless of how it’s delivered, it’s often damaging to the business and hurtful to individuals. 



I’m pretty sure that I’m preaching to the converted with this blog but please spread the word. This applies to all businesses, not just foodie ones:

Feedback, good and constructive, for any business is interesting – it can tell them something they didn’t know about their product or their customer and help them to improve.  But bad feedback is just that – it’s bad; not helpful, just hurtful.  

I’m not telling you not to complain if something’s gone wrong during your meal or evening out! Not at all!  But we must all go about it the right way.  Be polite in your complaint, give them a chance to reply and most of all, do it face to face or over email/phone, not social media or Trip Advisor. 

Proprietors are working hard and really doing their best to deliver quality.  As we all know, sometimes things go wrong.  Be generous.  Be forgiving.  Be kind. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so please fire away…

Eat Reviewer. 

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