


Shopping matters.

It is seven weeks until Christmas Day and although we might feel as though autumn has just begun, it won’t be long before our High Streets are adorned with twinkling Christmas lights and festive decorations (let’s face it, the Christmas cards are already out in the shops!). 


What Eat Around Tonbridge did next …

This blog started out almost as a dare to myself: after years of being employed and becoming a parent, could I do something on my own? Well I did back in April 2016 and little did I know of the exciting journey ahead of me. I’ve met and interviewed some great local foodies, broken the news of places opening in Tonbridge, been nominated for an award thanks to all of you, been interviewed by new cooking app developers on the eating and shopping habits of the average Brit (true fact!), co-founded a successful, local foodie networking club and last and definitely[...]


*** 12 Days of Feastmas *** Day 2 – Havet

Havet arrived in Tonbridge this year and it has taken the High Street by storm...it is always busy and deservedly so: the food and service is excellent and the atmosphere always buzzing.  Read my review from earlier in the year here.   Havet has kindly offered a voucher for £35 to a lucky winner.  If you'd like to use it[...]