Christmas is eight weeks on Wednesday. Hopefully that isn’t too much of a shock but if you’re struggling with gifts for that tricky relative or friend then this blog might just help you out.
Christmas is eight weeks on Wednesday. Hopefully that isn’t too much of a shock but if you’re struggling with gifts for that tricky relative or friend then this blog might just help you out.
September = January. I know that 'equation' really doesn't add up but it does in my mind. January is a time of resolutions and often those resolutions are around lifestyle, eating habits and exercise.
Tomorrow is 1st December which not only means that the daily administering of chocolate for breakfast begins (advent calendars in case you're wondering!) & panic really starts to set-in but it marks the arrival of Eat Around Tonbridge's December competition12 Days of Feastmas! The blog has been running since April and to say thank you to the wonderful Eat Around Tonbridge followers, I wanted to give something back. I know it's not easy to find the time to read a blog so for giving up your time, here's something for you - a celebration of our ga[...]
WFH is not a rude abbreviation! For those of you wondering if I've gone mad, it stands for 'working from home' and represents a new series I'm running on local folk that are setting up their own food & drink enterprises from home. I say 'local' but Nichola Ferron's journey has taken her a long way from home. She was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, cooking providing an escape from an unstable family life. She would religiously watch cooking programmes on television every week. In adulthood she worked in a 'proper' job but then[...]
Ben Sulston is the grandmaster of healthy food in Tonbridge at Sulston's Kitchen. He's not happy to sit on his laurels though - his new healthy takeaway shop on Quarry Parade has only been part of our lives since June (feels like longer doesn't it?), he's launched his cookery classes (details below) and now he's moving onto his next venture. [...]
"We're still here, still good value for money and the food's better than it used to be, " says Danial Palmer-Johnson, the new manager of The Slug & Lettuce, Tonbridge which has joined forces with Eat Around Tonbridge for this exciting competition to launch their new menu. I visited recently on a Saturday night and left feeling surprised & impressed.... [...]