


Dry Jan is over and here’s a great way to celebrate!

If like me you have been involved in Dry January, you may well be looking forward to this weekend.*   Well done you did it - enjoy a drink if the fancy takes you. Listen up, though, I’m not advocating everyone who’s been alcohol free in January go out on a huge bender as that’s just not sensible but I would recommend that you try Tonbridge’s first Beer Weekend!


*** ‘Flexible working’ jobs here!! ***

Happy Halloween!  I don't have any spooky offerings this week on the jobs' board but I would ask that you use your imagination when it comes to some of the roles on offer - the employers are very keen to fill their vacant positions and are open to suggestions about flexible working.  So please don't be scared off by a role that says 'full-time' -  contact employers and sound them out about working school hours, a job share, part-time work etc.New jobs are below - the full list is at the Eat Around Tonbridge Jobs' Board.Tonbridge Old Fire Station, To[...]