Why Paul Hollywood might know me for all the wrong reasons….

I just wanted to remind you about the chance to ask a The Great British Bake-Off producer, Michelle Kirschner-Grant, about what really goes on behind the scenes in that tent – just post a question on here, on the Eat Around Tonbridge Facebook page or via Twitter (@eat_tonbridge). You’ll be able to ask questions for the next couple of weeks and then I’ll be handing them over for Michelle’s answers!
But in the meantime, I wanted to lay my baking skills bare so that perhaps you can see why I eat out so much and employ others to make birthday cakes….My son’s 5th birthday party had a Star Wars theme. I was feeling pretty proud of my Storm Trooper cakes and, as you’ll see, I let the confidence go to my head.

My Storm Trooper cupcakes
After scrolling through Pinterest (I should add, merely hours before the party – nothing like being well-prepared) for other Star Wars themed treats, I decided to have a go at Princess Leia cupcakes. I was aiming for this…

Courtesy of Delish.com and found on Pinterest
The result was, well, hilarious. I’m pretty sure Carrie Fisher was turning in her grave. But they do still cheer me up and make me and everyone else laugh out loud whenever I show them this pic.

And after posting this on my own Facebook page, Michelle came forward and said it was so funny she might show it to Paul Hollywood. She assures me she didn’t but who knows…..
So, go on, ask a question, anything you like – if you can manage it after a good laugh at Eat Around Tonbridge’s Princess Leia cupcakes. I might just ask for the truth about whether Paul ever did set eyes on this little beauty…
Eat Reviewer x
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