12 Days of Feastmas – an update!

December is nearly upon us and I’m going to run 12 Days of Feastmas again – whoop whoop I hear you shout! I know! I’m excited too! If you follow me on Instagram (@eat_tonbridge) you’ll know that I ran a poll on my stories a while ago about whether to run it in January instead of December – January is such a dull month for many of us that I thought it would be a great pick-me-up. But, the lovely team at Chasing Connor’s Cure are running a raffle in January and I didn’t want to get in the way of that – such a great charity and they all work really hard to raise funds to end Duchenne. So it’s happening in December.
The competition runs every working day starting 3rd December.
The competition starts at 9am and finishes at 9pm with the winner being announced on the next working day (so if you enter on a Friday, you’ll find out on the Monday if you’re a winner).
You can only enter if you’re over 18.
There is no alternative to the prize on offer that day and there are no extras to the prize itself.
There are 3 ways to enter – via the Eat Around Tonbridge Facebook page, Instagram @eat_tonbridge or in the comment box at the bottom of each day’s competition page on the Eat Around Tonbridge website.
Any information that you provide as part of the competition will not be used again for example in marketing or promotion without your consent.
The winner/s will be picked at random from the correct entries or from the pool of entries depending on the question.
Prizes will be secure posted/hand delivered, or will be available to collect from the business itself.
Thank you to our wonderful local foodie businesses for making the competition happen – please continue to support them; thank you in advance for taking part and good luck!