It feels like it’s the year of the vegan, doesn’t it? Veganism is everywhere! Or maybe it’s the decade of super food avocado?! Are we all becoming wiser about our food choices and their wider impact on us and the environment? After attending one of Debbie Stranack’s talks, I now ‘get it’ and I’m all for it … but don’t worry I still eat the likes of meat and eggs and indulge in the not so healthy stuff too.
WFH – Debbie Stranack, Wholefood Wakeup
I know, I know – this is the season of indulgence. My five a day at the moment are the fruit in mince pies. But if like me, you do like eating healthily, I wanted to share with you Debbie Stranack’s business that she started in her kitchen, Wholefood Wakeup.