Showing: 31 - 40 of 68 Articles

Why awards are so important!

I was a finalist in So magazine’s Lifestyle awards and it meant such a lot – it gave me a boost, made me feel valued by you all and also gave the blog and Tonbridge some extra exposure (thanks once again to everyone that nominated and voted for me).  Awards are really important to all businesses – they are a pat on the back, a marketing opportunity and a chance for businesses, large and small, to really think about where they excel.

The year of the …

It feels like it’s the year of the vegan, doesn’t it?  Veganism is everywhere!  Or maybe it’s the decade of super food avocado?!  Are we all becoming wiser about our food choices and their wider impact on us and the environment?  After attending one of Debbie Stranack’s talks, I now ‘get it’ and I’m all for it … but don’t worry I still eat the likes of meat and eggs and indulge in the not so healthy stuff too.  

Tonbridge Foodie News!

Thanks for all your help over the weekend with my Mediterranean veg soup question – look out for the next review so see what that’s all about!  I have been very quiet I know but I am still trying to bring you news of the foodie goings on in Tonbridge – some of the news I’m not allowed to disclose yet (so hard!!) and others, I’m just waiting to hear final details.

The Rose Revived, Hadlow, 16 March 2018

This Friday is Good Friday and on this day, typically, we eat fish and so it seemed appropriate to tell you about my recent fishy experience.  

I was kindly invited to The Rose Revived in Hadlow for their new weekly night of Fishy Friday.  Snow had interfered with plans but finally my friend (who LOVES fish) and I (I love fish too!) made it to this country pub which has quite literally been revived, relaunching February 2017.

Eat that frog! A blog about Basil, Tonbridge.

No this isn’t an announcement that Basil is branching out into French food!  This command refers to a book called “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy which is all about tackling challenging tasks.  And this blog feels like a challenge because I really want to like Basil on Tonbridge High Street but there’s always something that niggles.  This blog has been ‘pending’ for quite some time…. 

Bring a Friend February is back for 2018!

You might remember that I ran this last year and I’m running it again because the ethos behind it is still so important.    

The idea is very simple.  If you’re meeting friends or family during the month of February (or anytime really), why not try somewhere that you haven’t been before and send me a photo?  There are still lots of places for me to try on the High Street so I’m sure there are for you too.  And it doesn’t have to be in Tonbridge; it could be in the vicinity as well.